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Jamie Gessner

Updated: Feb 13, 2024

I have been studying the book of Jeremiah and despite the proclamations of the coming judgment of God, we also see God’s concern for repentance and righteousness. Though much is said throughout Jeremiah, we often see him go back to the idea that “There is none like you, O Lord; you are great, and your name is great in might” Jer. 10:6. May we not forget that it is ultimately God’s work that is being done in Colombia and that His name is to be praised in all we do!

That being said it was great to host a little Bible school three weeks ago for the kids while they were on vacation. The church doors were opened all week and we played games, sang songs, and taught from Luke 10:27. Continue to keep the new church plant in Robledo in prayer as we seek to reach out to people and honor Him in all we do.

Peter, Marissa, Heidi, and I continue to meet with families, youth, and younger kids throughout the week for Bible studies. It has been a joy to see the family that we meet with on Monday nights grow in their faith and ask questions. Most of them are now sure of their salvation!

Upon my arrival here in Medellín, I prayed for where I could play soccer, and I found a women’s soccer league to join. Over the past year, I have developed relationships with some of them and through the generous donation of a friend of Peter’s in the States, I was able to give them new uniforms. That night the coach allowed me to share why the uniforms were given which led into sharing the Gospel. Many of the girls were astonished and confused and later asked privately: “So really, why did this guy give us uniforms?” “So, your God can even love me?” “This is really a way to show the Lord’s love to people like us.” Please continue to pray for the team as I cannot share many details, but I am faced I believe with an enormous task and feel incompetent because of the different backgrounds from which they come. Good thing I can trust that the Lord knows!

Above right: Of course, as we all know, there are hardships in life, too. Pray for one of the kids in the neighborhood, Deivis, who just lost his father to a break-in and violence.

Above left: In other news, Peter and I had a motorcycle accident two weeks ago. We are very scraped up and have a court date on the 17th with the driver of the car who was at fault. Peter is doing well, however, I have suffered a pretty bad concussion and have been in the hospital twice now for severe headaches and vomiting. Nothing serious showed up on the CAT scan, but they are recommending I see a brain specialist the 15th of Nov. just in case. I was suppose to be at women’s retreat this week and helping teach, but I will be resting at home instead trying to get better! Praise the Lord we are alive and basically doing well, but please pray for complete recovery for us both.

Above Center: My nephew, Calvin, is growing, and I can’t wait to meet him at Christmas time! That means I will be in the States for a very short week and a half. Sadly, I will not get to see everyone, but I hope to see some!!

Above right: Finally, last but not least, for those who enjoy a photo of Max… woof woof!

God bless you all and as always,


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