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Arthur W. Pink: Why Four Gospels?, 1921

Mark Lukens

This is a great devotion to help prepare our hearts for worship! And some thoughts that are even clearer today than when AW Pink lived, very prophetic words that he penned.


Why Four Gospels? (1921)

"And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a feeding-trough, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:7

Why was it that the Father allowed His blessed Son, now incarnate, to be born in a stable? Why were the cattle of the field, His first companions? What spiritual lesson are we intended to learn from His being placed in a feeding-trough? Weighty questions!

He was laid in a feeding-trough because there was no room in the inn. How solemnly this brings out the world's estimate of the Savior! There was no appreciation of His amazing condescension. 

He was not wanted! 

It is so still. There is no room for Him in the schools, in society, in the business world, among the great throngs of pleasure seekers, in the political realm, in the newspapers, nor in many of the churches. It is only history repeating itself. 

All that the world gave the Savior, was . . .   a feeding-trough for His cradle,   a cross on which to die, and   a borrowed grave to receive His murdered body.


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