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Jamie Gessner

View from the 3rd floor of church overlooking Robledo

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! Last I wrote, we were expecting a group from Marissa’s church in Idaho, and wow, we had an awesome time with them! They helped open up the doors for us to be in a school for a week and we have made many connections because of that time. The second week, we held an English Bible camp at church that was really fun! We also did home visits (below left) and the Colombians and the Gringos shared each other’s cultures and again, it paved the way for meeting more people. We played soccer most days as well, and several from the group got to share their testimony (below middle). We also celebrated one year at the church (below right) and had a cookout! We have the special privilege of serving our awesome God in this neighborhood and it is a joy knowing that you are all on this journey with us as well! I am reading in 1 Samuel right now and am seeing little Samuel’s willingness to be ready for whatever the Lord has for him. That must be our aim, too!

A neat story from the time the group was here was while I was helping translate and share in a home visit (pictured above L), Marissa and her pastor were playing with some kids outside. As the visit was ending and we were leaving the house, Eder, whom I have discipleship with on Thursdays, rushed up to me and said, “Jamie, you are my sister now.” Even as I type this the tears flow as I have cherished the moment since it happened. I said what are you talking about? He said, “I gave my life to Christ tonight. I understand what He did for me. I am His child now so that makes you and me, brother and sister. We are family!” He had the biggest smile on his face as I held him and cried. He has grown so much despite his difficult family situation and never fails to call me “hermanita”- little sister.

(Below left) This is my new little brother in Christ, Eder! (Below middle) Juan David shared The Story of Hope with the group. It was a beautiful moment as he thoroughly enjoyed the attention. J Continue to pray for him and his family, as there is much chaos and violence in the home. (Below right) Julian and Jader, (and their little cousin, Samuel) are finishing up The Story of Hope. Julian has made a profession of faith in Christ so pray that it is a true wanting to follow the Lord, as he is being peer pressured with other things. Jader understands the gospel, but is not ready to make a decision. Please pray the Lord would move in his heart!

(Below left) is of course Max, happy as ever joining the breakfast table, but also with the new recruit, Allison! She is from Ohio and has been helping with kids’ club and assisting Marissa on some video projects. Sadly, she leaves in three weeks, but the kids love her and it’s been fun having a 5th teammate. Finally, (Below middle), once in a while I get the blessing of playing with Peter on Sunday. :)

Quick news- After much prayer, we girls are moving in a week! We decided to move closer to Robledo, and the Lord has blessed us with a bigger yet cheaper place! Pray the transition is smooth!

My precious nephew, Calvin (Above right), turned 1 on August 2. It is hard to not be there to watch him grow up, but I got to talk (make noises) with him on video chat. J

Also, my parents and little brother are coming down for a visit the beginning of September. Yay!!

Thank YOU for your prayers! God bless you all and as always,



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