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Jamie Gessner

Getting in some engagement photos before the virus hit
Getting in some engagement photos before the virus hit

Hello! Happy March almost April!!! Wow, what a beginning to this year. So many opinions, so much fear, news changing every day, it is hard to know what is true and what is fake, what is helpful and what is not helpful. There are some things that I can share though that are 100% true and will not change because the Bible and our God are never changing (Heb.13:8). He is the one in charge of this global pandemic. He is the one who will see us through this, therefore, in the midst of it all, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness….” If you continue on in Psalm 29, David talks about how powerful the voice of the Lord is and what it can do.

In this quarantine time, which we in Colombia have now been in for a week and still have 19 days left, we are not allowed to leave our houses except for buying the necessities and only for 20 minutes, else we risk a fine or an arrest. (That means also I won’t see Peter for 3 weeks or so even though we only live about 10 min. from each other, ha the sad reality of it all).

This time has allowed for many creative ways to do Bible studies and reach out to people and of course, give the Lord the glory due His name. We have been making video and phone calls throughout the day. Peter talked to the police to get permission to hand out some food to our families. Pray for our families who live day to day and without work, have been struggling. There is no stocking up here like in the States. Marissa and I are recording songs for worship, and Peter is recording his sermon with interactive questions to be posted to Youtube like we did last week for church. Unfortunately, not all our families have internet, another luxury of the States. Pray that our families would respond and those who can watch the sermon, would share with others. Since I teach Sunday School, I try to send the kids a little video to watch on Youtube with questions as well. One little girl, Allison, sent back her answers last week as we discussed the resurrection, and said, “The women ran to town to tell others that Jesus was alive!”

So in all of this, we can give the Lord praise. I have been reading the Psalms, and they are full of praise and thankfulness to the Lord. These are crazy times, but we must not forget to, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him…” Psalm 105. Psalm 145, “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you…”. And many more Psalms that give Him praise!

Above left and center: We started our college-aged class, and they are full of questions about the Bible! Pray as this and all other ministries are currently suspended physically at the church because of the virus.

Above right: The kids at club have been enjoying the crafts and activities that coincide with the weekly lesson. Although there are fewer kids at this point, they are starting to memorize verses and learn more about what Jesus has done for them. It is certainly exciting!

Below left: These cuties, Julian and Jader, finished another section in the bible study we are doing. Continue to pray for them as they still aren’t quite sure about salvation but ask deep questions.

Below middle and right: Quarantine discipleships! Pray that God would be glorified in this time even though we can’t make the visits or do the studies in person.

My video update: If you would like to check out the video I just did for my home church and friends, click on this link:

You will see some of the neighborhood and people with whom we have the privilege of working! If it doesn’t load, please let me know.

God bless and as always,



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