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Jamie Gessner

Pictured Above: Zoom meeting with the young adult’s class
Pictured Above: Zoom meeting with the young adult’s class

Hello! Happy June! It is not the usual busyness, but at times, even in quarantine, things can be wild. Many days, I am trying to coordinate with the kids over the phone for discipleship or homework help. It has been challenging and hard here. The good news is at the beginning of the month our quarantine was lifted to 3 days a week that we can be out. Beforehand, we were only allowed out once or twice a week and for 20 minutes according to the last digit on our ID. I have not been up to the neighborhood and have rarely seen Peter, but God has used this time I believe to sharpen me and make me trust in Him in ways that I would not have had to if it were not for the quarantine. I hope to be able to visit the neighborhood soon for a short time. Please continue to pray for the people of Robledo and for my one brother, Sebastian, who is interested in learning about the Bible, and with whom I have started a Bible study.

Marissa and I continue to record songs for Sunday service, and Peter records his sermons as well. Church gatherings are canceled until July. Please pray as we have continued the new, young adult’s class via Zoom, that they would be strengthened in this time and also really want to seek the Lord as none of them are saved at the moment. Pray also for two new couples we have begun to work with, John and Laurie Lopez, and Mauricio and Elizabet Lopera.

A HUGE PRAYER REQUEST- Peter and I planned to be back in the States for our wedding in August, however, a few weeks ago, the government closed all travel in and out of Colombia until August 31! They have allowed a few special humanitarian flights so we are praying for one in July, as in the meantime we are trying to finalize the purchase of a house. Marissa was able to get a flight for this Sunday as she had already been planning to do furlough at this time so pray it goes smoothly. Heidi completed her furlough the end of May, but has been trapped in the States due to these travel restrictions and she longs to be back in Medellin.

Above: Peter was able to pass out food several times to our families in need.

Below left: Peter was given special permission to come up to our apartment, so we celebrated both his and my quarantine birthdays and enjoyed the time together.

Below right: My beautiful nephew, Calvin, is about to have a sister! I am excited for my twin and sister-in-law, and hopefully if I can get back for Peter’s and my wedding, I will be able to meet my new precious niece.

God bless and as always,


Psalm 18:1-3ª, “I love you, Lord, my strength.The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.I called to the Lord, who is worth of praise…”


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