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Greetings From Colombia!

Jamie Gessner

Updated: Feb 13, 2024

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life…" John 5:24a


We are thankful both of our immediate families could make it to our wedding in PA to celebrate!

Despite 2020 being an interesting and hard year in some ways, it also has been a great year to celebrate God’s faithfulness, protection, loving-kindness, and so much more. Recently, Peter has been preaching from the book of John and discussing the 7 signs mentioned within the precious book. Towards the end, John writes that there’s not even enough room to record all that Jesus had done, but all was done so that we may believe. During this confusing year and from here on out, may it be that we are continually amazed by the wonders of God and share this hope with others so that they may believe as well!

On a personal level, we continue to adjust to a fun married life full of ministry as well. Although daily we have many who knock on our door, we have had time to set up our home, enjoy one another’s company, and give God the glory for all that He has done in our lives. Thank you for your prayers as we continue our new married life and life here in Colombia.

As we combine our newsletters, there may be some names of people to catch up on, so if you have any questions, please let us know! We are thankful for you all and it was a joy to see many of you this past year.

For the Kingdom, Peter and Jamie :)

Continued praises and prayer requests:

  • Getting to the states and connecting with people and getting married

  • Prayers for our marriage and how to balance it out with ministry

  • Praise of being able to meet together in person for church the last month up on the 4th floor in the apartment of a church family

  • Waiting on permission from the city to start church in our regular space on the 1st floor

  • Being back and having a house to make our own

  • Wanting to be able to purchase the house but have experienced some setbacks in that

  • Reconnecting with our community here

  • Continued wisdom as we try to share the hope of Christ with people here (also some people have moved)


Below are just a bunch of pictures of the precious people with whom we work, and what we have done in the past month!

Above Top Left: First Thanksgiving at the house with Marissa, Katerin, Juan, Julia, Heidi, us, Andres, Valeryn

Above Top Right: Visiting Jamie’s brothers, niece, and nephews in Bogotá (Jamie is also doing Bible study with one of them)

Above Bottom Left: Peter teaching at the seminary in Bogotá

Above Bottom Middle: After church lunch with Deivy, Yordani, Pipe, Sebastian B., Marissa & Heidi

Above Bottom Right: Our beloved wiener dog, Max!!!


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