In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
I, Peter, have started a new series in Genesis on Sundays. It

has been neat to see people ask questions and study the Word and its origins in depth! We serve a mighty Creator and Planner and Sovereign God! Please pray for wisdom and clarity, and also that the people would get back in the routine of going to church since the pandemic has created disorder and a habit of not attending.
We have recently started a Homework Help time at the church and it has been great to have some of the kids from church participate. It also has created a space for those that don’t usually go to Sunday service or Saturday groups, to see church as a place of help, physically and spiritually. We pray that God will use it to most importantly glorify Him more, to have more kids and teens see church as a safe place, and to bring more laborers/missionaries to the field to share their God given gifts with others.
We are praying for you all and know that God has a purpose for each and everyone of us! What a comforting thought!
For the Kingdom, Peter and Jamie :)
Continued praises and prayer requests:

That we would be able to purchase our house soon
How to deal with a few issues with people in the church
For our local Colombian partners, Elizabeth and Mauricio Lopera, who are expecting their first baby
For our other partnership with John and Laurie Lopez (Laurie is with World Ventures Mission, and she married John, a Colombian, two years ago in the states. Since then, they have been raising support, but unable to join us until John receives his green card).
A few new Bible studies have begun
Continued growth in Christ together as a couple
As we continue to catch both sides up on names, here are some more pictures!!
Top Left: Juan Pablo lives in front of us and is quite a handful! He is smart and very funny but cannot concentrate well and disrupts most of church. Please pray as I (Jamie) daily try to do homework with him and teach the Word! He is starting to pray now though and is always ringing our door bell! :)
Top Right: Please continue to pray for growth within Sebastian and Miguel. Both have accepted Christ, but Sebas has been distant lately from church and studies. Please pray also for motivation to finish their school studies.
Middle Left: The new Tuesday evening ladies’ study has been going well! Pray as some are not believers, and one of them is new to church. (Lucia, Anyeline, Yesenia, Viviana, Nancy & Andrea).
Middle Right: Youth group and kids club have started up again on Saturdays! Pray for wisdom and that all will see their need for a Savior.
Bottom Left: To the left: Max and Miguel’s sister, Angie, who continues to attend church and Bible study faithfully.
Bottom Right: To the right: Miriam, the recycling lady, continues to ask questions, but finally realizes that it isn’t by works that we are saved! Pray also as she has several medical exams coming up.