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Ryle & Spurgeon

Mark Lukens

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

Here are some wise words from J.C. Ryle and Charles H. Spurgeon. They help us to see that only the Scriptures, as we are taught by the Holy Spirit, can bring true unity in God’s people. But only when we see God’s Word as the sole revelation given by God for us to know Him and live for His glory and our neighbor’s good. May the Lord grow and strengthen us in and by His Word and Spirit!


They have all learned in one school

(You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) All who have the Spirit--are taught by Him. He is called in Scripture, "The Spirit of wisdom and revelation." It was the promise of the Lord Jesus, "He shall teach you all things." "He shall guide you into all truth." We are all by nature ignorant of spiritual truth. "The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God--they are foolishness to him." Our eyes are blinded. We neither know God, nor Christ, nor ourselves, nor the world, nor sin, nor Heaven, nor Hell--as we ought. We see everything under false colors. The Spirit alters entirely this state of things. He opens the eyes of our understandings. He illumines us. He calls us out of darkness into marvelous light. He takes away the veil. He shines into our hearts, and makes us see things as they really are! No wonder that all true Christians are so remarkably agreed upon the essentials of true religion! The reason is, that they have all learned in one school--the school of the Holy Spirit. No wonder that true Christians can understand each other at once, and find common ground of fellowship! They have been taught the same language, by One whose lessons are never forgotten! "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He shall guide you into all truth." John 16:13


Something to ponder: "God, by His Spirit, brings old truth home to the heart, gives new light to our eyes, and causes the Word to exercise new power over us; but He reveals no new facts, and He utters no words in any man's ears concerning his condition and state. We must be content with the old revelation and with the life and power and force with which the Holy Spirit brings it to the heart. Neither must any of us seek to have any additional revelation, for that would imply that the Scriptures are incomplete." Charles Spurgeon


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